By Bombo Ponciano ‘John’ Melo Jr -April 25, 2020 | 8:26 AM


The former undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson once again rocked the boxing world after announcing his comeback to the boxing ring at the age of 53.

Tyson, also know for his monicker ‘Iron’ Mike was one of the most, if not, the most dominating heavyweight boxer the sport has seen.

‘I’ve been hitting the mitts for the last week. That’s been tough, my body is really jacked up and really sore from hitting the mitts,” he said on a live Instagram video with rapper T.I, Tyson.

His last fight was 15 years ago where he was defeated by Kevin McBride.

Although Tyson’s fight will be just an exhibition lasting for three to four rounds, many are anticipating his return and is expected to be a hit.

“Some charity exhibitions, make some money, help some homeless and drug-affected  like me,” he said.

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